Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Job...I got one. Sweet. Graduation on Saturday and 8 a.m. on Monday begins the crazy adult life. Here we go....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wedding Weekend

This weekend was all about weddings. Saturday I got to the Bailey's at 9:30 a.m. and 846 pictures later the day was over. That is almost 8GB of pictures for anyone who was wondering. The wedding was really pretty, held outside (the rain waited until after everyone was gone) on the banks of Shoal Creek. There was yummy cake made by Mary Chambers and lots of friends and family. There will be lots of editing going on over the next week or two and I will get some up on here! After all of that crazy wedding fun I got to start on my own crazy wedding. We decided on some reception stuff and (drumroll please...............) we decided on a photographer. This is big. No, this is HUGE. I'm super excited though. We are using Kari Nichols. Go check her out, She will be shooting our wedding and Miles Boyer will be doing our engagements. He's awesome too (and unfortunately booked on our wedding day). Well, nothing like advertising other photographers on your own blog but these guys are seriously amazing and super nice. And now as the craziness of wedding planning begins to pick up so does my finals week as well as a job interview. Hopefully, Wednesday I will know if I have a job, then we can actually start looking at apartments...yay!...and the most exciting detail of all.....DRESS SHOPPING!!! Stay tuned....